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How much is Tuition? 

Current tuition rates for 2024 - 2025 School year are: 

$2,526 for Toddler 1

$2,426 for Toddler 2

$2,086 for Preschool

$2,086 for Pre-Kindergarten




How do I Pay Tuition?

Tuition is to be paid online via Brightwheel Application. A personal check or money order can be mailed directly to the Facility or submitted in person during office hours. Checks should be made out to NELC-IFGF or Northgate Early Learning Center

When is Tuition Due?

Tuition is due on the 3rd of every month. A monthly invoice/tuition statement will be sent out via Brightwheel on the first day of the month as a reminder for tuition payments.

Are there late fees?

Yes. Tuition that is not received before closing time on the 5th day of the month is subject to late fees. Our current late fee is $50.00 per day from the 5th of the month, until the account is paid. 

Does NELC Prorate Tuition?

NELC does not prorate tuition for any reason. Tuition is a flat monthly rate regardless of how many days of the month your child attends the center.

Are there credits for missed days or vacation? 

No. There are no vacation credits or refunds for vacations, sick days, or inclement weather closures. 

Is there a Part Time Option?

Enrollment is full-time only. Your enrollment reserves your child a spot in his/her class Monday-Friday 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. You child does not have to attend every day, however tuition is not discounted for families who only attend 3 or 4 days a week.

Does NELC Accept Subsidies?

Our center does not accept any state subsidies. 

Are there any additional deposits or fees that are required?

Yes, there is a $205 registration fee (per child) due to reserve a spot on a class list or waitlist.  The registration fee will secure any opening spot for your child and will be applied to the application/enrollment fees. Should you be placed on a waitlist, the $205 secures the next available spot. The $205 is nonrefundable and does not go towards the first or last month of tuition.

What is the Enrollment Process? Can I Enroll Online?

​Enrollment applications are available in Brightwheel through this link. A new Brightwheel account must be created to begin the application process. Once the application is submitted and is approved, $205 registration fee will be issued and must be paid to secure a spot.

Is there re-enrollment? 

Yes, every year families will be asked to complete enrollment forms for the coming academic year. There will be $205 annual registration fee to continue care for the next year, students may be subject to dis-enrollment if re-enrollment forms are not completed. Families will be asked to complete the registration forms over the summer months, prior to the start of the academic year. 

What is the policy to unenroll?

If you choose to leave the center, you must provide the Director a 30 (thirty) days written notice by the 1st of the last month of attendance. The letter must also include the date of the child’s last day at NELC. Both letter and email notices are accepted. Notices less than 30 days will be billed for the full following month’s tuition.

What are personal documents that NELC requires?

NELC needs to keep files for each child. These files will include, but is not limited to, documents such as:

       - Immunization Record (students must be up to date on required immunizations prior to starting care)

       - Medical Consent for Emergency Treatment Form

       - Allergy Information

       - Medication (i.e. sunscreen, diaper cream) Authorization forms

       - General Family Information

       - Health Information

       - Emergency contacts/Pick-up Authorization list

       - Financial Information & Agreement

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